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DANIT coaching

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work with me

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I’m a litigator by day, comedian/writer by night and weekend. What makes me able to help you with public speaking? Oh, I only literally speak for a living. I graduated law school at 25 after participating in mock trial competitions and went straight into my first criminal trial as a prosecutor. Over the years, I’ve moved into the private sector with civil defense litigation. I attend court regularly to speak with adversaries and judges. I still go to trial from time to time in the private sector.

I’ve been performing on stage as a comedian since 2013. I began doing improv comedy, but now I’m exclusively performing stand-up comedy for the past two years. Yes, I get on stage all by myself and tell jokes to an audience! So if anyone knows how to get up in front of people and speak, it’s me! 

As I’ve started working with private coaching clients, I am seeing how confidence building exercises and stress reducing practices have been helping them. I am certainly no therapist, but as a life longer proponent of therapy and my own experience, I can see exactly how to work through some of these issues with my clients. 

This isn’t just about giving a good speech at your sister’s wedding or showing your bosses that you can kill a presentation at work. This is about building your confidence in who you are – what you have to offer others. Each and every single person has a unique perspective to bring to any group. I can help you build the confidence and skills to approach communicating with others in the best way possible for you.

Let me help you get rid of those jitters and nerves. Let me help you build the confidence you need to get your message across. Let me help you start those conversations so you’re no longer the shy one at the party. You can do this!

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Contact me now to start your one-on-one coaching sessions. Together, we will build your Confidence in Communication. Only $125 per session or $300 for three sessions!

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If you want to start smaller, purchase the worksheet packet for exercises you can do on your own! Just $29 and you’re on your way to building Confidence in Communication.

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