Top Things to Do This Summer
Friday was the official start of summer! Sorry, I didn’t post last week! My first Sunday off since I started this blog on January 1st, but alas, here I am back at it to give you some entertainment this Sunday. I can’t believe it’s summer already! So here are the things you should be doing this summer:
Am I Really Playing the Game?!
I cannot remember a time that I have dated like this. I actually am going on multiple dates per week with multiple different guys. I am dating more than one person at once!
Signs That It’s Summer in New York
How do you know that it’s summer in New York?! Here’s how to tell:
Ugh, You Got Me Too!
It’s Memorial Day Weekend and everyone is trying to get their “summer body”. Your summer body should just be your body no matter what, but I’m honest and know that we all have feelings of getting in shape or losing a few pounds for the summer.
The Top 10 Things You can Do Instead of Watching Game of Thrones
As an avid television watcher, I somehow never got into Game of Thrones. I think it all started with the twin brother sister incest scene. After seeing that horror, I was done. I mean c’mon people, it’s gross. I just can’t. So if you’re in the same boat as me, here are the things you can do this Sunday night instead of watching Game of Thrones:
No, I Will Not Text First!
I walked into the bar and saw him right away. It really is true that you know within the first few minutes of a first date whether you’re going to connect.
Rainy Day Thoughts
I have been trying to figure out what I want to write about this week. For some reason, it was very difficult this time. So thanks for your understanding that this week will be short and sweet – and you deserve a break from a long post anyway!
Top Things You Can Do Before You Have Children
As I sit across from my bestie from Tel Aviv, her sweet bubba baby boy grabs at her to get her attention. She turns to him, hands him her phone to distract him for a few minutes so she can finish listening to my story.
What does this all mean to me?
This post is late and very short today as I sit in the airport on my way back to New York. I’ve spent this weekend with my family for Passover.